The Ranks of Seelie

An Introduction by Rembrandt Payne

I figure it’s about time I sat you all down and explained why some of us refer to one another with what you may believe to be military ranks, and what those ranks entail, both for us, and for you, our initiates.

Every member of Seelie holds an officer’s rank. It has been this way since the organisation’s foundation over a century ago, when a ragtag alliance of scholars, scientists and soldiers made their stand against the world’s corruption. Your rank is a badge of honour, a sign of your influence, and a message to others that you have earned the respect of greater powers.

Seelie officers are, at their core, artists. We inspire understanding where there is ignorance, encourage belief where there is doubt, and spread hope where there is despair. The very purpose of this initiate program is to find those who have the heart and soul of an artist, whose imaginations can rebuild the world when all seems lost. You may be able to walk into the local militia and have a job within three months of training, but to become an officer of Seelie requires something more. Hopefully, through your time as initiates, we will learn whether you, yourself, have “the stuff”.

Now, without further ado, let’s have a look at what you could become!

Lieutenant (First and Second-grade)

This is the rank you’ll start at once you earn your commission — unless, of course, you prove yourself of exemplary skill! Lieutenants work within the sub-departments of the four divisions, with second-grade lieutenants taking charge of individual projects. The majority of Seelie officers hold this rank, so don’t be discouraged if you’re slow to advance further!

Chief P’s Example: Lieutenant Anderson, our youngest recruit, earned her promotion to second-grade lieutenant upon taking her post as our resident librarian!

Lieutenant-Commander / Captain

Lieutenant-Commanders lead the sub-departments within each division, so they’re effectively your boss while you’re still a lieutenant. Captains, on the other hand, work independent to the four divisions — their rank is considered equal to a Lieutenant-Commander’s — and often lead specialised teams comprised of members from across various fields.

Chief P’s Example: Lieutenant-Commander Clarke is head of our medical team, which is part of the Ishara Division. Meanwhile, Captain Espinosa, while herself assigned to the Áine Division, often works with other divisions and on individual assignments. She really gets around!


There is a single commander for each of a troupe’s divisions, and it’s their job to make sure everyone is doing their job correctly! Commanders also act as advisors and confidants for the troupe’s chief, even taking the burden of command should events leave said chief otherwise indisposed.

Chief P’s Example: Commander Thorbjorn earned her promotion to head of the Thetis Division in 106ue, after many years working for its Intelligence Department, while Commander Shimomura, head of the Amaterasu Division, is my second-in-command (she was my former captain!).


That’s me! A chief is the head of a Seelie troupe and, should it have one, its theatre. We’re expected to have a breadth of knowledge that spans the four divisions and proven leadership qualities — after all, if something goes wrong, it’s our head on the block! It’s also our job to answer to our sponsors — in my case, the Torsten town council — who may determine what we can and cannot do.

Chief P’s Example: a rather dandy fellow named Rembrandt Payne, who you may have heard of. He likes tea.

Besides these ranks, which are the ones you will come across on a daily basis, there are also two more — General and Marshal — who oversee Seelie operations on a much larger scale. Indeed, there are no more than a dozen generals in Seelie, full stop, and only one Marshal, who commands the organisation from its headquarters in Zealand at the behest of our commanders-in-chief.

Who are these commanders-in-chief, you ask? Well, suffice to say that, without them, there would not be a Seelie to begin with! Perhaps, if you perform exceptionally well at your training, you might get to meet them — or even earn one of the coveted commendations they award to our world’s greatest of heroes!

In the meantime, I hope this has been an informative presentation, and that you will enjoy your time with us here at Torsten Theatre! If you need any further help or elaboration, please feel free to ask. My office doors are always open!*

*Except when they’re not.

Captain Espinosa had serious words with her chief after she heard of his “really gets around” blunder.